Tuesday, August 28, 2018

#2018 June by Connie Prince

This morning I had the opportunity to work with Connie Prince's #2018 June Products.
The colors were perfect for some pictures that I had of David and me.
My sister took these photos of us when we got sealed.

Let's take a look at this page now.

And now for a look at the products that I used for this page.

Or pick most of these items up in the Bundle.

(images linked)

You will also find this fun mini which I used included in the Bundle.

Happy Scrapping!!!

Floating Along by Connie Prince

When I first saw Connie Prince's Floating Along Kit I thought to myself, "What could I possibly do with this kit?" Then I saw the white water rafting word art and new exactly what I needed to do. I never before had the perfect kit for my white water rafting photos. So a page was created.

Let's take a look at my page now.

Now for a look at the awesome products I used to create it.

Many of the products can also be found in the bundle.

(images linked)

What fun products for all your floating needs!

Happy Scrapping!!!

Travelogue Washington DC by Connie Prince

I just enjoyed myself by creating a layout with a kit that had nothing to do with my subject manner. I love the way that Connie Prince always includes elements that can go with any topic you want. I thought that the colors of Travelogue Washington DC were perfect for these Lincoln Log photos.

Let's take a look at my page now.

And now for a look at the products that I used.

These products are also available in a bundle.

(images linked)

Would love to visit Washington DC sometime! But until then I can still use this kit.

Happy Scrapping!!!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Happiness Is.. by Connie Prince

I just love working with products that have nice bright colors.
Connie Prince's Happiness Is.. products gave me just what I wanted.

I created this page of my niece when she was much younger.
Let's take a look at my page now.

Now let's take a look at the products that I used.

You can also pick these products up in a bundle

(images linked)

Happy Scrapping!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 2018 Grab Bag - It's A Mystery by Connie Prince

Connie Prince's new Grab Bag was so much fun to work with.
It was so much fun creating a page about the book that I just finished reading.
This Grab Bag couldn't have been better for it.

Let's take a look at my page now.

And now for a look at the products that I used for my page.

From the Grab Bag I used the Kit, Extra Papers, and Temps.
I also used the Word Art.

(images linked)

Pick up the Grab Bag before it is gone. It is an amazing deal!!

Happy Scrapping!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Chase The Sun by Connie Prince

Chase The Sun are an awesome group of products. When I saw the Word Art I knew exactly what I wanted to do a layout of. The templates worked so well with it to give me just what I wanted.

Let's take a look at my page now!

Now for a look at these awesome products!

Some of these products also come in a terrific bundle.

(images linked)

More fun products to pick up in Connie Prince's Store.

Happy Scrapping!!!

Vitamin Sea by Connie Prince

Vitamin Sea by Connie Prince are beautiful products. I thought that they were perfect for these pictures that we took on one of our visits to Lake Walcott.

Let's take a look at my page now. 

Now for a look at the products used to create this page.

Some of the products are also found in a bundle.

(images linked)

What fun products to pick up in Connie's store.

Happy Scrapping!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2018

White Space Volume 30 Templates by Connie Prince

Connie's Templates and Products once again made for the perfect page.

Let's take a look at it now.

Now for a look at the products used to create it.

(images linked)

Happy Scrapping!!!

Blend Volume 5 Templates by Connie Prince

Connie's beautiful templates and Connected products made for a delightful page of 
me and my friend that met online many years ago. This page features the two of us.

Let's take a look at it now.

Now for a look at the products used to create this page.

(images linked)

Happy Scrapping!!!